Devon Welsh - Summers End Cepat, Mudah dan Gratis
Lirik Devon Welsh - Summers End :
and perfect love will always be yours
sometimes I can see through your eyes
and it’s good to feel that way
and this is not the first time
we’ve seen the last, the last of the green
and you’re on my mind
as the shadows fool my eyes
‘cause I found the season
for your wintery pride
and this is not the first time
we’ve seen the last, the last of the green
this is not the first time
we’ve dreamed the last, the last of a dream
at the summer’s end
father, we will never grow old
and perfect love will always be yours
on the shore of the world
let’s go swimming
on the shore of the world
let’s go swimming
at the summer’s end
and this is not the first time
we’ve gone swimming, let’s go swimming
Ke teman-teman kalian ya❤️