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Judah & The Lion - Insane Cepat, Mudah dan Gratis

Lirik Judah & The Lion - Insane :

I feel lonely in a crowded room
Even though it isn't true
And I don't struggle with the bottle, no
But I can see why you do

But I think that we're all going insane
Hiding behind some smiling face
I don't know if you can relate
But I fight the devil most of the days

Everyone else I know around
Seems to have life figured out
But here I am now 25
And I don't know where I'm going in life

But I think that we're all going insane
Hiding behind some smiling face
I don't know if you can relate
But I fight the devil most of my days

To hell with the devil
To hell with fate
Because I am tired of hiding
That I'm going insane
Going insane

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